
The online mind

Has an insatiable appetite

It lives and thrives in the age of interruption

Sometimes I think that my work springs from the tension between a constant desire for progress and productivity, on the one hand, and a longing for simplicity and stillness on the other. Like a tug of war, the battle to become present is a never ending pursuit.

In stillness, I can see what’s in front of me, make connections between elements on the street, and be in tune with my rhythm. If I have a constant desire to be productive, it’s more difficult to get into a creative state. It’s as if I’m trying to will something into existence, instead of trusting that I’m going to see it and take action when I do. Being able to let go is an important part of the process. 

Passion did wildly be sculpture

Through pain I hear and know

Almost as monument or masterpiece

As dazzling approach is in song

Behold the neo-harmony


Saturating my senses

Your sex is my six

Of course there’s a major obstacle to overcome: My own pre-occupied and smartphone addled mind. An algae of the algorithmic spins around, searches, and solidifies me into a disconnected, over stimulated, and short attention spanned conundrum. I reject boredom and embrace the digital that seems to have a scattered but very specific focus on me. It refines, kneads, pleas, bargains, shocks and seduces. I’m buzzed by it. It whirls me around and coaxes me into an eternal present of the next shiny thing. I’m mesmerized by scrolls and swipes. I become the Machine.

That thing that’s all around us. We have no words for it. We can’t see it. But we know it’s there. It’s shaping something that remains to be seen, lurking around in the shadows.

For this series, Remnants, I leaned into my minimalist sensibilities by focusing on the small details of the human form and juxtaposing them against a more broad context to suggest that the subject isn’t whole. By leveraging the power of mystery to fill in the gaps between light and shadow, I believe the details have enough impact to make the images complete.